Secure payment

What people expect while shopping online is convenience and reliability. SexToyinThailand comes with these similar promises for its customers. With the help of the following payment modes, customers will stay safe and hassle-free. Take a look:

Direct Bank Deposit – Here the customer can transfer funds to the bank account directly. This involves a faster process in comparison to that taken in case of a cheque. Once the customer places the order online, he/she can choose to pay directly through banks. In such a case, we will send the customer our bank account details so that it becomes easier for him/her to directly deposit the amount in our bank account.

Debit/Credit Card – Paying through debit or credit card while shopping at a store is preferred by a lot of people. In fact, this is one of the most common methods of initiating online transactions. Even at shops, plenty of people prefer using their debit or credit cards to make payments. Similarly, SexToyinThailand reserves this facility for its customers who can always use their debit or credit cards for making payments. We will ensure complete security in regard to the payment details shared by the client while shopping with us.